Years required for field evaluation of bread wheat cultivars in Argentina

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Claudia Julieta Mójica
Pablo Eduardo Abbate
Ezequiel Alejandro Rossi
Natalia Cecilia Bonamico
Mónica Graciela Balzarini


In Argentina, current regulations establish four years of yield evaluation for any new commercial bread wheat cultivar. The objective of this work was to determine the optimum number of years of evaluation in comparative yield trials of bread wheat cultivars, conditioning this optimum to the quality group, growth cycle and phytosanitary management. Variance components (REML) were estimated from the data of the bread wheat cultivar evaluation network of Argentina (RET), corresponding to ten experimental sites. The three quality groups (GC1, GC2 and GC3), the first and third sowing season (E1 and E3), and management with and without fungicide (CF and SF) were considered. The results show that three years of trials are required to evaluate the performance of the different quality groups and growth cycles managed CF. For SF, four years are required, except for GC1 in E3 and GC2 in E1, which demand three and more than five years, respectively. These results indicate that the current standard is appropriate for most cases; it could even be reduced to three CF, to improve trial quality and increase the number of repetitions.


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Mójica, C. J., Abbate, P. E., Rossi, E. A., Bonamico, N. C., & Balzarini, M. G. (2022). Years required for field evaluation of bread wheat cultivars in Argentina. AgriScientia, 39(2), 19–28.


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