Causality relation between the producer price index and the consumer price index. Ecuador Case


  • Víctor Quinde Rosales Facultad de Economía Agrícola de la Universidad Agraria del Ecuador
  • Rina Bucaram-Leverone Facultad de Economía Agrícola de la Universidad Agraria del Ecuador


price index, causality, unit root, autoregressive vector


The present document is an investigation with a type of inductive reasoning. It evaluated the relationship of causality between the producer price index (IPP), and the consumer price index (IPC ) in a period from January 1998 to December 2016. The unit root test Dickey-Fuller Augmented (DFA) was used under an empirical- analytic paradigm, an autoregressive vector-VAR model was generated and the Granger causality test was performed. The results show a positive trend and seasonality in the data of the variables, a VAR model of two variables was obtained with a number of optimal remnants of fourteen VAR2 (14) to which the causality test was performed, demonstrating a bi - directionality of both indices.


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How to Cite

Causality relation between the producer price index and the consumer price index. Ecuador Case. (2018). Actualidad Económica, 27(93), 5-14.