The common in question: brief reflection on contemporary spatial transformations in the Córdoba mountain range.


  • Denise Mattioli


Córdoba Highland territory, territorial production logics, disputes over common goods, society-nature, eco-feminisms


The forms of space production within the framework of neoliberal urbanism generate multiple transformations of territories. In the case of the mountain towns of Córdoba we find that since the last decade the use of land has been intensified with modalities that overlap dissimilar and often incompatible productivities, which result in socio-environmental problems and conflicts of various kinds. These processes, which are also expressed in other regions of Our America, highlight the crisis of the patriarchal capitalist development model applied to space production, placing the fragmentary treatment of the society/culture-nature relationship at the centre of debate.

The problematisation of this binomial is related to the tensions that are manifested when territorialising through incompatible perspectives with the guarantee of the material bases that sustain life, turning territories into fields of dispute. In times when cities consume huge amounts of resources based on a linear economic-productive matrix, the extension of low-density urbanisations means the attack over the natural areas where many of those resources that allow their operation come (water, food, energy, oxygen, etc.), putting their integral sustainability at risk. In that sense, the socio-environmental dimension acquires a unique role around local and/or regional issues. It is in the interest of this presentation, therefore, to make a reading of the division of the society/culture-nature binomial in order to understand the power patterns that operate in the contemporary spatial production of the Córdoba Mountain Range, while recognising some alternative proposals that emerge from territorial struggle and defense processes. We consider the mountain case can shed a light on reflections on the need to implement the relational dimension of habitat in the processes of spatial production in times of deepening in the socio-ecological crisis.


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Author Biography

Denise Mattioli

Doctora en Arquitectura. Becaria postdoctoral CONICET – INVIHAB-CEUR-FAUD-UNC


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How to Cite

Mattioli, D. (2019). The common in question: brief reflection on contemporary spatial transformations in the Córdoba mountain range. Vivienda Y Ciudad, (6), 1–13. Retrieved from


