The social responsiblity of university in the health of the rural population


  • M. R. Olmos
  • D. M. Schettino
  • C. A. Castro
  • J. Bolpe
  • T. Cesio
  • D. Benitez



health, social responsibility, university, education, equinoccocosis


“Promotion and Education for the Social Health in Rural Populations” it has as target: to develop actions of health included and shared for the diverse actors of the community contributing with healthy habits incorporated, identification and diagnosis of sanitary problems; collaboration in the provision of medicines for the control of the echinococcosis in the rural communities of Tandil county. It possesses financing of the National Education Department and participation of: Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Faculty of Art of Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia Buenos Aires; dependencies on Province of Buenos Aires and of the Municipality of Tandil of the areas of Health and Education; Rotary Club North Tandil and voluntary pupils of the university. The link of the University with his community allows developing practices in the field of Public Health. The transmission of values and attitudes in the higher education strengthens the formation of socially responsible professionals.


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Author Biographies

M. R. Olmos

Médico Veterinario. Jefe Trab. Prác.del Depto. de Sanidad Animal y Medicina Preventiva. Fac. de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV)- Univ. Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Pinto 399.

D. M. Schettino

Master en Med.Veterinaria. Prof. Titular del Depto. de Sanidad Animal y Medicina Preventiva. FCV-UNCPBA.

C. A. Castro

Licenciada en Teatro. Jefe Trab. Práct. de Fac. de Arte – UNCPBA.

J. Bolpe

Dr. en Cs. Veterinarias. Director de la Dir. de Zoonosis Rurales – Min. Salud de la Prov. Bs. As.

T. Cesio

Alumno de la carrera de Veterinaria. FCV - UNCPBA, curso 2007.

D. Benitez

Alumno de la carrera de Veterinaria. FCV - UNCPBA, curso 2006

How to Cite

Olmos MR, Schettino DM, Castro CA, Bolpe J, Cesio T, Benitez D. The social responsiblity of university in the health of the rural population. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 4 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];13(1):43-8. Available from:



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