Uncertanties of food policies in argentina. Contributions for a critical transition from a perspective of collective action


  • María Celeste Nessier UCSF




food, Health Policy, Health, society


The objective of this text is to analyze Argentinian food policy from a perspective of collective action in the political process. First, we present reflections regarding the main concepts underlying the configuration of food policy and represent its uncritical assimilation. Then, recognizing the appearance of the agro-industrial model, we identify the emergence of actors with conflict of interest who join the political arena in order to make their sector interests prevail over food regulation attempts.  Finally, we recognize that the theoretical approach of Promoting Coalitions adds an interruption of the consensual models, when becoming a reading alternative from the promotion of changes in policies led by the civil society.  In this way, there is a call to review profiles of pragmatic food policies towards those ones with an integral-systemic base, with transforming and critical potential of the food context. The objective of this article is to recover theoretical approaches that, from public health as well as from political sciences, demand systemic understanding of food problems in the context of neoliberal economies and in the framework of a corporative food system.  


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How to Cite

Nessier MC. Uncertanties of food policies in argentina. Contributions for a critical transition from a perspective of collective action. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 5 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];28(2). Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/38622



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