Salutogenesis and resource work as the basis for pssIe and pss


  • Gisela Perren-Klingler Comisión Internacional Humanitaria de Encuestas (IHFFC)


psycho-social support, salutogenesis, individual and community resources, peers, stress, critical incidents


In the frame of APSPE (psychosocial attention for emergencies) SPS (psychosocial support) cares for affected persons and rescue personnel during the first days after a critical incident. It only can succeed if the attitude is preventive and not clinical or therapeutic. The survivors of catastrophes who are not hurt physically, are not ill, but distressed: they suffer from the mental consequences of the experienced danger, the helplessness and the accompanying excessive stress. They are not crazy, and so they do not need treatment. Following the concept of “Health for All” the activation of trained volunteers, peers, who are not psychologists, is important and effective. It seems evident that these peers are best disposed as stress managers or teachers (psychoeducation). This is also the way to lower considerably the threshold for help seeking behaviour. In this way (secondary) prevention of psycho-somatic sequelae is guaranteed foraffected persons helpersand communities.Networking at an interprofessional, intercultural and transnational level seems to be essential at least in Europe with her cultural, linguistic and religious varieties on a small bit of territory.


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Author Biography

Gisela Perren-Klingler, Comisión Internacional Humanitaria de Encuestas (IHFFC)

Médico psiquiatra, psicoterapeuta, psicotraumatóloga y trabaja en la prevención de violencias. Trabaja en consulta privada y enseña técnicas preventivas y terapéuticas a voluntarios y profesionales para las secuelas del estrés excesivo en Europa, América Latina, África y Medio Oriente. Fue delegada médica del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR), miembro civil de la Comisión de psiquíatras militares Suizos, miembro Suizo de la Comisión para la prevención de la Tortura en lugares de detención de Europa(ECPT), miembro y presidenta de la Comisión Internacional Humanitaria de Encuestas (IHFFC). 


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How to Cite

Perren-Klingler G. Salutogenesis and resource work as the basis for pssIe and pss. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];:42-56. Available from: