Popular beliefs regarding maternal health


  • Graciela Sofia Castellano Bentancur
  • Jimena Heinzen
  • Maria Soledad Nión Celio




Pregnancy, popular beliefs, health


This work falls within a research framework called “Popular beliefs and practicesaround pregnancy and childbirth: an approach to the health-disease process”.An open, exploratory and descriptive design with qualitative perspective was used.

The purposes of this paper are to describe the main results related to popular beliefsexpressed by users participating in the research and to think about these beliefs and theirrelationship with “expert knowledge”.

As a conclusion, the favorable situation found in our country as regards the healthsystem is remarkable. It is undergoing a process of change in which it would be possible toinclude the “popular perspective”. However, “common knowledge” and “expert knowledge”do not live together within health institutions.

Although an important medical level is observed, the medical-scientific discourse isstill considered difficult to understand by common users. Besides, the figure of healthprofessionals is a source of uncertainty and fear. Fear caused by the ignorance of whathappens during pregnancy and childbirth, and also related to the treatment provided byhealth professionals.


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Author Biographies

  • Graciela Sofia Castellano Bentancur
    Doctora en Medicina, Estudiante de Posgrado de Epidemiología (F. Medicina), Asistente del Depto. Medicina Preventiva y Social, Facultad de Medicina, UdelaR
  • Jimena Heinzen
    Dra. en Medicina. Residente de Med. Familiar y Comunitaria. Ayudante del Depto. Med. Prev. y Social, Fac. de Med., UdelaR
  • Maria Soledad Nión Celio
    Lic. en Sociología, Aspirante a Mter en Sociología (FCS), Ex - Asistente de la Unidad de Sociología de la Salud del Depto. Med. Prev. y Social, Fac. de Medicina, UdelaR. Asistente del Depto. de Sociología, Fac. de Cs Sociales, UdelaR




Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Popular beliefs regarding maternal health. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];16(3):9-20. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/6955

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