Cervical cerclage as treatment for functional incompetence. Descriptive cross-sectional study at public maternity hospital in Cordoba


  • Lucia del Valle Ribero Dra




Cervical incompetence, Cervical cerclage


Objective: Describe the experience in cervical cerclages and obstetric results in pregnant women with diagnosis of cervical incompetence.

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study on the experience with pregnant women with diagnosis of cervical incompetence who underwent cervical cerclage during gestation and were assisted in public maternity hospital in the City of Cordoba.

Results: The study included 82 cerclages. McDonald’s technique was used.  Average gestational age was 15 weeks. Of all the cases, 84.5 % were multigestations: 14.6% had late miscarriages, 11% premature deliveries and another 11% late miscarriage and premature delivery.  According to the gestational age when cerclage was placed, 53 of them were prophylactic.  Only 12 presented early complication: 9 preterm membrane ruptures and 3 cervical tears.

Conclusion: The effect of cervical cerclage as intervention is important but it is not the solution for pre-term delivery.  Cervical cerclage is a simple technique with high success rate, low complications rate and good perinatal results.


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How to Cite

Cervical cerclage as treatment for functional incompetence. Descriptive cross-sectional study at public maternity hospital in Cordoba. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];28(2). Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RSD/article/view/34853