Burnout, Psychological, Dentistry, Occupational StressAbstract
TThe WHO considers Burnout Syndrome as a serious issue among care teams and states that the “human resource” is the most important one; essential for the appropriate operation of a health system andto obtain good quality service. When there is too much pressure on the worker, with only negative effects, they start experiencing a feeling of discomfort. In addition, unfavorable working conditions, produce constant worries; thus, making symptoms worse which might end up originating a vicious circle. Objective: To analyze the degree of Burnout Syndrome (BS) presented by a sample of dentists in the city of Cordoba and correlate it with the work settings. Material and Methods: Cross sectional, quantitative, observational study. Dentists from the city of Cordoba, Argentina were included in the study; from April 2016 to March 2017. Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) was used for data collection, validated version in Spanish, in which three components of BS are evaluated: Emotional exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP) and lack of Personal Accomplishment (PA) at work. Professionals were asked about gender, age, marital status, number of children, specialty area, “other job”. Results: Three hundred surveys were performed and n=233 were analyzed; 7.3% of the surveyed professionals presented Burnout Syndrome. EE presented high values in 22% of the surveyed people working in the three settings, DP a 30% in the public/private and
public and PA presented low values in 41% of professionals working only in the public setting. Regarding gender distribution, superiority of female sex was observed: 66.5%, n=155, the population average age was 38.9 _ 9.4 years, ranging from 23 to 66. The variables age, gender, marital status, number of children, “other job” were not statistically significant in relation to Burnout Syndrome. Surgery and Orthodontics specialties present 15% of sick professionals. Conclusions: according to this study, the work setting where the dentist develops the profession has no relationship with Burnout Syndrome; 7% of the surveyed people have Burnout Syndrome and 30% are at risk of getting sick. Of all the analyzed variables, marital status and dentists’ specialties were the most related to the syndrome. Management of health work teams should have clear goals and well defined tasks and avoid the emergence of intra-work stressing factors.
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