The "Cordobazo" in the local and national press throughout the decades

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Hugo Ignacio Pizarro
Pablo Rubén Tenaglia


One of the most significant events that marked the history of our Cordoba of the twentieth century was without a doubt the “Cordo­bazo”. This spontaneous outbreak that demonstrated the union of the working class with the student body and other sectors, and that led to the beginning of the end of the de facto government of Juan Carlos Onganía was document­ed in both the local and national press.

The article proposes to make a journey through the five decades that separate us from this fact of transcendence both for Córdoba and for the country, describing as­pects of the national context and Córdoba in those days, as well as the main agendas that the press reflects on their covers in the days before and after the Cordobazo and its successive anniversaries.


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How to Cite
Pizarro, H. I. ., & Tenaglia, P. R. . (2019). The "Cordobazo" in the local and national press throughout the decades. Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 181–225. Retrieved from


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