The Latin American student movement the end of the 1960s and the arcusian mandatory imprint

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Hugo E. Biagini


In Latin America during the 1960’s the student movement was a nota­ble activism in the growing pur­poses structurally transform the world and society, while the flags of Maoism and guevarism were deployed to the four winds. Us we will stop in various disruptive out­bursts: since the night of Tlatelolco and the Autonomous University of Sinaloa in Mexico - to the multisec­toral uprisings of the Tucumanazo in the Republic of Argentina and the Cordobazo. On the other hand, we compendiaremos the theoretical background epochal that emerges from the symptomat­ic work of Herbert Marcuse.

One of the highest peaks in the stu­dent turmoil occurred during 1968 in one of the few Latin American countries such as Mexico, has pre­cious keep full constitutional pro­tections and the rule of law. Fol­lowing the thesis of the subversive plan, Mexican authorities adopted a tough attitude against the sector that could be more involved in al­tering the prevailing order: Mexi­can students in middle and higher education, which reacts to the per­secution officer armando several mass demonstrations resulting in prisons, torture and a brutal mas­sacre carried out in the plaza of the three cultures of Tlatelolco during the night of October two. On the other hand, the Cuban revolution, the most advanced approaches of the Mexican Revolution, were some of the ferments coming to Sinaloa to listen to the tendency of the more advanced positions on recent French may: mentioned, as history and reference. Mentioned, is how history and about town, argentina 1918 reform headed as universal right to direct participa­tion of students in the conduct of the University.


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How to Cite
Biagini, H. E. (2019). The Latin American student movement the end of the 1960s and the arcusian mandatory imprint. Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 31, 47–62. Retrieved from


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