The tajamares in Córdoba: its first dams

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Santiago Maria Reyna
Maria Teresa Reyna
Maria del Rosario Labaque


The Society of Jesus introduced a
unique cultural-social system in
Córdoba that greatly influenced the
province. The Jesuits contributed
significantly to science, technology,
arts and engineering, creating
hydraulics systems for irrigation
and waterpower. In the Jesuit Estancias
(Caroya, Alta Gracia, Santa
Catalina and La Candelaria), they
built dams called “Tajamares”, being
the oldest artificial reservoirs in
the Province of Córdoba. Although
some of them are in operation,
others have changed their purpose
or are inactive, but are still standing.
These dams need studies to
evaluate their condition and guarantee
their operation. The Jesuits
designed these works to integrate
them into the environment with
minimal impacts, perhaps due to a utopian vision of applying the
principle of harmony in all aspects
and practical reasons related to the
construction of hydraulics works.
This is the starting point for planning
measures for their preservation,
recovery, and conservation, in
accordance with UNESCO’s recommendation
to protect hydraulic
systems in heritage areas. With this
objective in mind, the group carried
out hydrological, bathymetric, topographic
and stability studies in the
Tajamares of four Jesuit estancias in
order to understand their functioning
and propose measures for their
protection and conservation from
hydraulic, structural and patrimonial

Article Details

How to Cite
The tajamares in Córdoba: its first dams. (2023). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 34, 131-166.

How to Cite

The tajamares in Córdoba: its first dams. (2023). Journal of the Junta Provincial De Historia De Córdoba, 34, 131-166.


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166 Los tajamares en Córdoba.../ Santiago Maria Reyna, Maria Teresa Reyna, Maria del Rosario Labaque

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