The Journal of the Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba is an annual publication dedicated mostly to the History of the Province of Córdoba and to a lesser extent to Argentine history, from the colonial period to the present.

Articles will be sought to reflect the numerous aspects of contemporary scientific production within the field. In this sense, problems related to: Politics, justice, institutional order will be included; Agriculture, livestock, commerce, industry, transportation, land, work; Population, society, gender; Daily life, travel and travel stories; Religious life; Science, culture and education; Archeology and cultural heritage, artistic and architectural manifestations, urban planning; Geography, environmental, regional, local history; Historiography, methodology, archives, museums.


The Journal of the Junta Provincial de la Historia de Córdoba began to be published in 1960 and to date 32 numbers have appeared, of which 20 were published between 1960 and 2002. In the second period the remaining 12 numbers were published, whose content is characterized by more rigorous scientific criteria. Since 2017 the magazine is published annually and according to international standards.


All contributions received by the RJPHC are reviewed by the Publications Committee, which performs a formal review of the work ensuring that it meets editorial standards and originality criteria. The Editors reserve the right to reject the submitted contributions if they do not meet the minimum quality requirements, if they do not meet the established formal criteria or if they are not unpublished research results. The decision of the Editors will be final and will not give right to reply. The Journal does not receibes any kind of fee in concept of manuscripts recepction.

Subsequently, the manuscripts are submitted to blind and external peer review, proposed ad hoc by the Publications Commission.

The review is based on the evaluation of various formal criteria for submitting the manuscripts as well as their academic content. As a result of this, the peer reviewers must suggest to the editorial committee their opinion about whether the manuscript is published (as submitted, revised or heavily modified) or rejected.

Based on this, the Editorial Committee will only consider for acceptance those manuscripts that obtain a recommendation for publication by both evaluators. In the event that there are differences in criteria between the peers, a new review round will be carried out, incorporating new reviewers that allow the editorial and academic quality of said manuscript to be resolved.

The review process guarantees the anonymity of reviewers and authors (if requested). In the latter case (authors) it must be requested before sending the manuscript.

For the refereeing, the external evaluators consider the following aspects:

  1. a) Content

Does the work constitute an original contribution and/or an advance in the knowledge of the subject matter?

Does the work have sufficient and relevant evidence and/or data?

Is an adequate methodology used?

Are the conclusions appropriate and related to the information presented?


  1. b) General structure of the work

Indicate if, in your opinion, the work is clear in the wording. If any paragraph or part does not have it, indicate it in the margin.

Are the different sections in logical order?

Are the tables and figures presented adequate?

Do you consider the publication of all of them essential?

Are there any missing?

Are the bibliographic references presented relevant to the work?

Should any be omitted or included?

Do all the authors cited in the text appear in the bibliographical references?

  1. c) General observations:



JJPH adheres to international standards and practices regarding the ethical aspects that must be followed in the process of publishing original articles. In this sense, it adheres to what is suggested by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE,

The Commission has the power to decide what is published in the RJPHC, evaluating the originality and importance of the topic for History in general. Likewise, and if necessary, corrections, clarifications and apologies may be made.

It is expressly established that the opinions of authors are their sole responsibility. The author(s) are responsible for ensuring that the submission has not been previously published or simultaneously submitted to another journal.



The JPJH undertakes to avoid the existence of conflicts of interest between the actors involved in the production. Authors and evaluators may express any conflicts of interest they may have.

The journal adheres to policies that promote and ensure ethical conduct of all participants in the publication process. The works are evaluated for their scientific quality, which guarantees that ethnic, national, gender, professional, religious or political belongings and/or affiliations do not interfere in this process.



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Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must credit this work appropriately, providing a link to the license, and indicating if changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in any way that suggests that you or your use is endorsed by the licensor.

ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or create new material from this work, you may distribute your contribution as long as you use the same license as the original work.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the license.



Although the copyright of the articles belongs to the same authors; the owner of the copyrigth is the Journal of the Junta Provincial de Historia de Córdoba.

This will be indicated in each article, as well as the Copyleft license previously described.


The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.