Once upon a time Havana: modern, bourgeois, cosmopolitan and exclusive. Havana's bourgeois elite and the urbanization of its social spaces (1940-1958)


  • Laura Vázquez Fleitas Facultad de Filosofía e Historia Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.


Bourgeois city, Elite of the Havana bourgeoisie, Social spaces, Urbanization


The Havana city of the 40's and 50's continued to expand on bases that boosted the westward expansion by Mariano and had the bourgeois housing as one of the most characteristic elements. With this study we intend to analyze the space as one of the fundamental keys in the conformation of the urban structures of the social classes from real estate and constructive alternatives whose purpose lay in the administration of the territory and the establishment of limits within which the conspicuous elements of the Havana elite developed their strategies of organization and articulation of the territory and their logics of action-exclusion. In this exercise, they implement resource distribution patterns that enable them and their representatives to act as organizing agents and guarantors of the city's unequal development, trying to produce the physical space in such a way as to order inhabitation. The Havana elite would distribute, assign and approve the appropriate places for each subject to fulfill highly hierarchical and stratified social functions, guaranteeing their own preeminence. This elite practiced and/or enjoyed a lifestyle and customs that privileged privacy and homogeneity within the group. In the city built by and for the Havana bourgeoisie, divisions were established that translated into spatial differences that became visible as a matter of access to power in the different spheres of social, political, cultural and economic life.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Fleitas, L. (2024). Once upon a time Havana: modern, bourgeois, cosmopolitan and exclusive. Havana’s bourgeois elite and the urbanization of its social spaces (1940-1958). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea, (20), 66–101. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/RIHALC/article/view/45200