Transnational activism and solidarity, from Cuba to Central America


  • Kristina Pirker Instituto de Investigaciones José María Luis Mora


new left, revolutionary movements, internationalism.


The Cuban revolution was an important point of reference for transnational mobilization and activism (mainly, but not exclusively, of the New Left) by renewing practices, discourses and imaginaries around internationalism, solidarity and anti-capitalist struggles. Not only the support and recognition of guerrilla groups by the Cuban government in various Latin American countries but also events such as the Tricontinental Congress (1966), the founding of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS, 1967) and cultural events such as those organized by Casa de las Americas expanded the repertoires of collective action. Also helped building networks of sociability and allowed the exchange of information. Twenty years later, transnational activism emerged again to mobilize support for the revolutionary processes in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua by denouncing human rights violations by the Salvadoran and Guatemalan governments. This activism promotes the demands of equality and social justice defended by the revolutionary organizations in the region, and criticizing the military interference of the US government as the most important obstacle to peace, democracy and development in the region. This article discusses continuities, discontinuities and innovations within transnational activism in support of these two revolutionary processes and aims to contribute to the debate on the ways through which social agents adapt practices, discourses and social imaginaries to new moments and political dynamics.


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How to Cite

Pirker, K. (2017). Transnational activism and solidarity, from Cuba to Central America. Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea, (7), 120–138. Retrieved from



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