About the Journal

The Journal of the Red Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina Contemporánea (RIHALC) is an open access scientific publication. Its main objective is to contribute and reflect collectively on the various areas of current knowledge on Latin America.

It publishes original articles in Spanish and Portuguese that address different dimensions of the field of studies on contemporary Latin America, from disciplines such as history, sociology, political science, anthropology, and social communication. The publishing entity and responsible organism is the School of History, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba (UNC).

This journal is aimed at the academic community linked to the social and human sciences, with special emphasis on the Latin American space.

The Journal is composed of two sections: "Articles" and "Dossier Articles" (for those issues that include a dossier). In addition, each issue includes "Interviews" or "Bibliographical Reviews" as a way of making research on Latin America visible at the regional level. 

The RIHALC Journal does not have specific sources of funding. 


Peer review process

The articles and contributions received will be sent to two external evaluators selected by the Editorial Committee. The evaluation follows the double blind refereeing system. The acceptance of the papers will be communicated to the authors in writing. When the peer reviewers' opinions do not coincide in the final decision, the article will be sent to a third reviewer. The author has thirty (30) days to make corrections. Unaccepted papers will be returned to their origin. The estimated time from the reception of the article until its publication is between four (4) and eight (8) months.

For the evaluation of the articles, the evaluators must complete a review form through the OJS platform within a maximum of 30 days. The review form consists of six (6) items and the referees have 3 options: 1) accept the article without substantive changes; 2) conditionally accept the article revising the indicated items; 3) reject the article. 

If the referees do not respond to the evaluation request within five (5) days of receiving it, OJS sends predetermined messages with a reminder. The same happens when evaluations are not received within thirty (30) days.

The Journal has a record of more than 150 external evaluators from different universities in Argentina and Latin American countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay). 

The Editorial Committee reserves the final decision on publication.

The annual percentage of rejections since its first issue in 2014 has been increasing.


Annual rejection rate of articles and contributions received: 

2014: 5%

2015: 20%

2016: 30%

2017: 35% 

2018: 35%

2019: 35%

2020: 40%


Publication frequency

Biannual publication (two annual publications: June-November, published on June 1; and December-May, published on December 1).


Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters greater global knowledge exchange.

This journal is Open Access. It follows the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0) which allows free distribution with mention of its creator(s), does not allow commercial use or derivative works. The authors, by submitting the article, agree to publish it under this license.

The Journal has open promotion channels, such as Academia.edu, in order to achieve greater visibility and dissemination of the published contents.

The RIHALC Journal does not charge authors any fee for the processing, submission or publication of articles, contributions, reviews and thesis abstracts in the journal.


Self-Archiving Policy

The RIHALC Journal allows self-archiving by the author(s) of all contents regardless of the stage of the editorial process in which it is, preprint/postprint (in all versions).
Regarding the preprint and postprint versions (before the layout/production process), if you want to disseminate it, it must be after the article completes its corresponding editorial process in order to maintain its originality. They must also be referenced and use the same Creative Commons that the publication version (edited postprint) will have.



The RIHALC Journal is indexed in the following databases:

Portals of scientific journals:



-REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico)

-ROAD-Directory of Open Access ScholarlyResources



-LATINDEX (catálogo)

-MIAR-Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas





-DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal)

-LATINOAMERICANA (Asociación de Revistas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales)

-citefactor.org journalsindexing



Code of Ethics


The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of the Journal of the Red Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina Contemporánea (RIHALC) supports the combined efforts of authors, editors and reviewers to produce a responsible research publication.

This statement is based on ethical principles that generally follow the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


    The texts submitted for publication must be the result of original and unpublished research. They must include the data obtained and used, as well as an objective discussion of the results. Sufficient information must be provided so that any specialist can repeat the research carried out and confirm or refute the interpretations defended in the work.

    Authors should be aware of and refrain from engaging in scientific misconduct and violating publication ethics.

    Authors should present their results clearly, honestly and without falsification or inappropriate manipulation of data.

    Authors must ensure that the data and results presented in the paper are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated.

    Plagiarism in all its forms, multiple or redundant publication, as well as the invention or manipulation of data constitute serious ethical misconduct and are considered scientific fraud.

    Authors should provide appropriate authorship and acknowledgement. Authors should refrain from deliberately misrepresenting the relationship of a scientist to the published work. All authors should have contributed significantly to the research.

    Authors should inform the editor when they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest with the editors or members of the editorial team or international scientific committee.

    No significant part of the article will have been previously published, either as an article or as a chapter, or will be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    When an author discovers a serious error in his or her work, he or she has the obligation to communicate it to the journal as soon as possible, in order to modify the article, withdraw it, retract it, or publish a correction or erratum.

    If the possible error is detected by any of the members of the Editorial Committee, the author is obliged to demonstrate that his or her work is correct.

    Authors are required, for all submitted materials, to participate in a peer review process.

  2. a. Publication decision

    All contributions will be initially evaluated by the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team is solely responsible for selecting, processing and deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal meet the editorial objectives and, therefore, could be published. Each paper that is deemed suitable is sent to two independent reviewers, experts in their field and capable of evaluating the specific qualities of the work. The editor is responsible for the final decision on whether the paper is accepted or rejected.

    The decision to publish a paper will always be measured according to its importance to researchers, practitioners and potential readers. Editors must make impartial decisions regardless of commercial considerations.

    Editors making final decisions on manuscripts should withdraw from editorial decisions if they have conflicts of interest or relationships that raise potential problems with respect to the articles under consideration. Responsibility for the final decision regarding publication will be attributed to an editor who has no conflict of interest.

    b. Paper´s review

    The Editorial Board will ensure that published research papers have been evaluated by at least two specialists in the field, and that the review process has been fair and impartial.

    Reviewed articles are treated confidentially by the members of the editorial team, the members of the international scientific committee and the reviewers.

    The Editorial Board will value and appreciate the contribution of those who have collaborated in the evaluation of the papers submitted to the journal. It should disregard those who make evaluations of low quality, incorrect, disrespectful or delivered outside the established deadlines.

    c. Identification and prevention of misconduct

    In no case shall editorial board and scientific committee members encourage misconduct of any kind or knowingly allow such misconduct to occur.

    Editorial board and international scientific committee members will attempt to prevent misconduct by informing authors and reviewers of the ethical behavior required of them.

    Reviewers and members of the scientific and editorial committees will be asked to be aware of all types of misconduct in order to identify papers where research misconduct of any kind has occurred or appears to have occurred and to handle complaints accordingly.  

    In the event of misconduct, the journal editor is responsible for resolving the problem. He or she may work in conjunction with members of the editorial board and scientific committee, expert reviewers, and subject matter experts.

    The problem will be documented accordingly. All factual questions should be documented: who, what, when, where, why. All relevant documents, in particular the articles in question, should be retained.

    The journal editor will contact the author. In this way, the author is given the opportunity to respond or comment on the complaint, allegation or dispute.

    In the event that misconduct has occurred or appears to have occurred, or in the case of necessary corrections, the editorial board will deal with the various cases following the COPE recommendations.

    Great care will be taken to distinguish cases of honest human error from deliberate intent to defraud.

    The editorial board will consider withdrawing a publication in case of misconduct, or issue a note in case of inconclusive evidence of misconduct, or request correction of the false segment.


    All reviewers should be familiar with and be aware of the journal's editorial policy and statement of ethics and malpractice.

    The journal will require that potential reviewers have scientific expertise or significant work experience in a relevant field. They should have recently conducted research and/or work and have acquired recognized expertise from their peers. Potential reviewers should provide personal and professional information that is accurate and provides a fair representation of their expertise.

    Also, all reviewers should withdraw if they know that they are not qualified to evaluate a manuscript, if they feel that their evaluation of the material will not be objective, or if they consider themselves to have a conflict of interest.

    Reviewers should point out relevant published work that has not yet been cited in the reviewed material. If necessary, the editor may issue a correction request to this effect.

    Reviewers are requested to identify papers in which research misconduct has occurred or appears to have occurred and inform the editorial board, which will treat each case accordingly.


    Members of the editorial team and reviewers will withdraw in case of conflict of interest with respect to an author or authors, or the content of a manuscript to be evaluated. Any conflict of interest between authors, reviewers and members of the editorial team and the scientific committee should be avoided.

    - Editors and reviewers should withdraw from making decisions when:
    - There is a direct relationship between an author and a reviewer.
    - There is a recent and significant professional collaboration between reviewers and authors.
    - An editor or reviewer is a collaborator on the project being submitted.
    - The editor or reviewer has a financial interest in a company or competing company with a financial interest in the submission.
    - The editor or reviewer believes that he or she cannot be objective, either for personal reasons or because of a financial interest not otherwise covered in the policy.


Publication Cost

The RIHALC Journal does not charge authors any fee for the processing, submission or publication of articles, contributions, reviews and thesis abstracts in the journal.

Digital preservation policy

The Revista de la Red Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina Contemporánea (RIHALC) informs that the files received are preserved in triplicate at the Departamento de Informática, Rectorado, UNC.

Copyright notice

Authors who have publications with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors will retain their copyright and will grant the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the CreativeCommons Acknowledgement License, which allows free distribution with mention of its creator(s), does not allow commercial use or derivative works. By submitting the article, the authors agree to publish it under this license.
  2. Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for distribution of the published version of the work (e.g., deposit it in an institutional telematic archive or publish it in a monographic volume) as long as the initial publication in this journal is indicated.
  3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their work through the Internet (e.g., in institutional telematic archives or on their web page) after the publication process.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this magazine and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.

History of the Journal

The Revista de la Red Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina Contemporánea-Segunda Época (RIHALC) takes up and continues the path initiated in the nineties by the Boletín de la Red Intercátedras de Historia de América Latina (Boletín de la RIHAL-ISSN 1669-4619), whose main objective was the dissemination and exchange among the different chairs of Latin American History of the national universities of Argentina. This bulletin, in annual format, remained active during the period 1997-1999, with three issues published. The RIHALC journal (ISSN 2250-7264) recovers the spirit of that Bulletin and, since 2014 and with two annual publications, assumes the challenge of continuing to build the field of Latin American studies at national and regional level.