The right to the city and the right to inhabit


  • Néstor Casanova Berna


city, Right to the city, Right to inhabit


While the contemporary city agonizes in its diverse forms of diffuse urbanization, at a moment in which the city flees from its inhabitants, the multiform idea of a human right to the city has emerged with not enough clarity yet.  However, from this social situation, the conception of a human right to inhabit can also germinate even in a hidden way. Along these lines, the territory in which life´s crisis is situated will be explored, a spur to the reflection originated in the ethics of social habitation, deriving compulsorily in the political arena.



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How to Cite

The right to the city and the right to inhabit. (2022). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 17, 114-126.