The holy violence from bellow: Socialist in Chile and Uruguay between the Respect of Legality and the Armed Option (1956-1967)


  • Jimena Alonso Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Socialism, Non-violent way, Uruguay


In the mid-60s, the Socialist Party of Uruguay went through an internal process, where several trends converged defining a party focused on the electoral and, also, to consider the armed struggle as a possible way. This transformation was product of national circumstances, but also of the exchange with other Latin American socialist parties. In this paper, we will analyze the reception that the Uruguayan PS made of the events that occurred in Chile, fundamentally the electoral defeat of Allende in 1964, which, together with the experiences of 1962 and 1966 in Uruguay, led both socialism to maintain a thin line between the two ways of access to the revolution: the electoral and the armed.

Author Biography

  • Jimena Alonso, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

    Departamento de Historia Americana, Universidad de la República. Uruguay.


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Fuentes editas

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How to Cite

The holy violence from bellow: Socialist in Chile and Uruguay between the Respect of Legality and the Armed Option (1956-1967). (2020). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 12, 170-191.