Revolution in a single country? Henry Christophe and the diffusion of the Haitian revolutionary ideology in the Atlantic World


  • Juan Francisco Martinez Peria


Haitian Revolution, Henry Christophe, Influence in the Atlantic World


In this paper I propose to analyze the foreign policy of Henry Christophe, as President and as King of the North of Haiti from 1807-1820. Inparticular, I am interested in studying his relations with the hegemonic powers and how he spread the ideology of the Haitian revolution in the Atlantic world. One of my hypotheses is that while he maintained a determined anti-colonial stance against France, and a neutral stance with Spain, he maintained a strong alliance with England. The first is explained as a continuation of the pro-independence feat and as a defensive policy against the constant threat of recolonization by the former metropolis. The second, as an attempt not to generate conflicts with a neighbouring power. And the third, as a pragmatic and ideological alliance, because England was not only the main enemy of France, but had become a promoter of the abolition of the slave trade in the world. In addition, I try to demonstrate that, although Henry Christophe maintained an isolationist rhetoric, he sought to spread the Haitian revolution beyond the borders of his country. He pursued this policy through the seizure of slave ships, the promotion of African-American immigration to Haiti, the attempt to buy Santo Domingo and the promotion of an intellectual campaign against the slave culture, colonial and racist prevailing in his time. Thus, indirectly and without jeopardizing the nascent state, he tried to continue and expand Haiti's revolutionary ideology.



Archivo General de Indias, (AGI)

Archivo General de la Nación de Colombia. (AGNC)

Archivo General de la Nación de Venezuela. (AGN)

Archivo del Libertador (AL)


The Bermuda Royal Gazette

La Gazette Royale D´Hayti

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How to Cite

Revolution in a single country? Henry Christophe and the diffusion of the Haitian revolutionary ideology in the Atlantic World. (2019). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 1(10), 1-24.