Stereotypes, xenophobia and racism in the graphic humor of El Universal (Mexico, 1924-1932)


  • Efraín Navarro Granados Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Mexico, ethnic humor, xenophobia


This paper is an approach to ethnic humor in Mexico in the 20’s and 30’s. It mainly focuses on the appearance of this kind of humor in cartoons and comic strips of the newspaper El Universal between 1924 and 1932. In this period, which also coincides with the rise of nationalism and the spread of xenophobic movements and campaigns in Mexico, this publication had the greatest amount of graphic humor made by their own cartoonists. Throughout this work, the main traits of ethnic humor in this Mexican newspaper will be reviewed, while describing some of the most frequent stereotypes found in its pages. A second part of the essay seeks to explore the depiction of the Chinese through a comparison between the cartoons made by the Anti-Chinese movement and the ones published by El Universal. The main objective of this paper is to describe the principal characteristics of ethnic humor in Mexico and to show the value of humor as a source to study racism and xenophobia. On the other hand, this essay seeks to emphasize the necessity of comparing different kinds of discourses on foreigners without losing sight of the context to which they belong.


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How to Cite

Stereotypes, xenophobia and racism in the graphic humor of El Universal (Mexico, 1924-1932). (2015). Journal Red Intercátedras De Historia De América Latina Contemporánea , 3, 24-43.