Regional Integration: economic growth through export diversification?


  • Gabriela Mordecki Pupko Universidad de la República (Montevideo, Uruguay)
  • Matías Piaggio Talice Universidad de la República (Montevideo, Uruguay)



trade , regional integration, competitiveness, cointegration


This paper analyses the determinants of Uruguayan manufactured exports without agricultural inputs to Argentina and Brazil (where they are principally destined). This was studied through a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) including these exports to both countries, external demand and bilateral real exchange rates. The empirical analysis suggests that the external demand is the only determinant of this type of exports to the region, according to this model. This means that these exports depend only on Argentina and Brazil growth. Competitiveness seems not to be an important determinant for the performance of these exports to our neighbors.


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How to Cite

Mordecki Pupko, G., & Piaggio Talice, M. (2011). Regional Integration: economic growth through export diversification?. Revista De Economía Y Estadística, 49(1), 51–77.

