A pillar 0 for Uruguay's social security system


  • Álvaro Forteza Universidad de la República, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Economía (Montevideo, Uruguay)




Social security, Pension system, Pensions, Pillar 0


In May 2023, the Uruguayan government enacted Law 20.130 reforming the Uruguayan pension system. Title VII, on "Minimum levels of protection", provides for significant changes in what is usually referred to as "pillar 0" of social protection. In this paper, I share some ideas about pillar 0 that I presented to the Commission of Experts on Social Security (CESS), created by Law 19.889 of 2020. I propose the creation of a universal income for older adults residing in the country, inspired by similar programs in other countries, such as Canada's Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), Sweden's Pension Guarantee and Chile's Solidarity Pension. These ideas were one input, among many others, into the drafting of the CESS proposals and later the reform law.

This article has been published at the invitation of the Journal's Editorial Team.


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How to Cite

Forteza, Álvaro. (2023). A pillar 0 for Uruguay’s social security system. Revista De Economía Y Estadística, 61(1), 11–42. https://doi.org/10.55444/2451.7321.2023.v61.n1.44192

