Technological Strategy and Work Organization: Specificities of the Argentine Manufacturing Industry


  • Analía Erbes Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Instituto de Industria (Los Polvorines, Argentina)
  • Sonia Roitter Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Instituto de Industria (Los Polvorines, Argentina)



technology, work organization, manufacturing, industry, technological strategy


Technological strategy of the companies and the different aspects of work organization contribute to the specificity and potential for incorporation of new technologies in the Argentine industry. In order to study the relationship between technological strategies and the characterizing features of work organization in industrial companies, information from the National Survey of Employment and Innovation Dynamics for industrial companies in Argentina 2010-2012 is analyzed. It is concluded that the development of more complex technological strategies requires work organization structures and processes where learning plays a key role.


Date received: March 19, 2020
Acceptance date: May 28, 2020


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How to Cite

Erbes, A., & Roitter, S. (2020). Technological Strategy and Work Organization: Specificities of the Argentine Manufacturing Industry. Revista De Economía Y Estadística, 58(1), 81–111.

