How Specific is Latin America in a World of Contrasted Inequality Regimes?


  • Robert Boyer Institut des Amériques (Paris, Francia)



inequality regimes, growth and equity, welfare and innovation systems, Latin America


Three contemporary paradoxes regarding the trajectories of inequality in North America, Europe and Latin America deserve explanations. A common socioeconomic approach is proposed and applied, based upon the concept of inequality regimes. It is concluded that the regions do not follow the same trajectory, since they have developed contrasting inequality regimes that co-evolve and are largely complementary at the world level. In the early 2010s, the more inclusive Latin American economies were the outcome of the interaction between new domestic democratic advances and the dynamism of the international economy. The reversal of the world trade and of the terms of trade shows the fragility of this modest reduction in inequality.

Reception date: February 15, 2020
Acceptance date: May 5, 2020


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How to Cite

Boyer, R. (2020). How Specific is Latin America in a World of Contrasted Inequality Regimes?. Revista De Economía Y Estadística, 58(1), 11–58.

