Job placement of UNdeC graduates: the effects on income of the mismatches in education and qualifications


  • Marilyn Estefani D’Alessandro Escuela de Economía. Universidad Nacional de Chilecito (Chilecito, Argentina)



mismatch, education, skills, wages, UNdeC


In this paper we look at the effects that the mismatches in education and qualifications have on the income of graduates of the Universidad Nacional de Chilecito (UNdeC). We estimate alternative specifications using Ordered Probit and Interval Regression models. Both estimators offer similar results: higher levels of matching in qualifications increase the probability of belonging to higher income intervals; while educational mismatch reduces such probability, although the latter are not statistically significant. Being male and having parents with university education are also positively correlated with a higher likelihood of having higher income.


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How to Cite

D’Alessandro, M. E. (2016). Job placement of UNdeC graduates: the effects on income of the mismatches in education and qualifications. Revista De Economía Y Estadística, 54(1), 85–119.

