The clay statues of Cordoba and their archaeological significance


  • Antonio Serrano Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos


Archaeology, Magnin Collection, Indigenous clothing, clay statues


One of the most interesting chapters in the archaeology of Córdoba is the one that refers to its clay statuary. The Comechingones, as no others have been the bearers of this statuary, have left us with it along with an expression of their artistic sensibility, the most faithful document of their clothing, tattoos and ornaments.


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Author Biography

Antonio Serrano, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Antonio Serrano (Paraná, March 7, 1899 - Córdoba, December 12, 1982) was an Argentine archaeologist. As the first academic antecedent to highlight, we can mention his belonging to what was called "La Generación del '17" (The Generation of '17). The Asociación Estudiantil Pro-Museo Popular was a group of students between fifteen and eighteen years old from the Colegio de Concepción del Uruguay and the Escuela Normal de Paraná who promoted the creation of the Museum in their hometown. As the first Director of the Popular Museum he was one of the initiators of the University Reform of Córdoba in 1918. In 1917 he began to build an archive and library that 60 years later would be donated to the Provincial Library.
Serrano had an initial inclination towards natural sciences, but later he turned to anthropology and archaeology, although he had no academic training in the former. His first article was published in 1920 in El Diario and was entitled "Notas Arqueológicas. Hallazgo de un paradero indígena en las inmediaciones del Puerto Nuevo". However, his international recognition would come in 1946 when he was invited to participate in the Handbook of South American Indians published by the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, under the direction of Julian Steward.
The naturalist Ángel Gallardo; Eric Boman, from whom he learned the handling of ethnohistoric sources; the North Americans Cooper and Lothrop, of the diffusionist currents, and fundamentally Joaquín Frenguelli, were influential. Serrano graduated as Normal Professor of Science from the Normal School of Paraná in 1921 and took courses in History and Geography at the Faculty of Education Sciences of Paraná between 1922 and 1924, purely positivist areas.


Antonio Serrano ( September 03, 2023). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.


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How to Cite

Serrano, A. (1944). The clay statues of Cordoba and their archaeological significance. Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(1), 19–100. Retrieved from

