Culpability in contrahendo and useless stipulations (part one)
Austrian Civil Code, Civil Law, Capacity to be attributedAbstract
I have previously explained what were the useless stipulations in Roman law, what was for IHERING the culpa in contrahendo as the basis of any action to compensate in cases of useless stipulations or merely projected contractual relations, for the damages arising therefrom; the doctrinal background in SAVIGNY, CUJACIO, RICHELMANN, POTHIER and others; the systematic followed by IHERING and the effects of error in useless stipulations.
IHERING: De la culpa in contrahendo. Oeuvres choisies, t. II, traduc. MEULENARR 1893, ed. Maresq.
SAVIGNY: Sistema de Derecho Romano Actual, t. II, 134/35 y sts. ,traduc. española de MESIAS y POLEY, 1879, ed. Góngora.
HEINECIO 10. GOTTLIEB: Operum. t. V. Elementos y Recitaciones de Derecho Civil. 1718. ed. Fratrum de Tournes. Genevae. (Bibrioteca de VELEZ SARFIELD).
ORTOLAN: Instituciones de Jutiniano, t. 2, pág. 266, ed. esp. 1877.
SAVIGNY: ob. cit., t. II, pág. 321, § 134, nota c. (en contra) Ley 3, § 2, V. O. (XXIX, I)
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