The ethical role of journalism in the digital era




Ethics, Self-regulation, Digital media, Journalism, Artificial intelligence


The emergence of the internet, technological advancements, and the existence of mobile devices have allowed for the development of new communication channels. This has resulted in citizens staying informed through digital media, contributing to a broad reach of news trends in a short amount of time. Although information is available to anyone, it's important to distinguish what comes from journalistic function, as there are still deficiencies linked to credibility, accuracy, and arbitrary content selection. However, the amount of information available online makes it difficult to distinguish true journalistic function with ethics from sources of questionable origin. In this sense, the purpose of the research is to analyze, from the perspective of communication professionals in the city of Bogotá, how to develop the ethical function of journalism in the digital era. This allows the theoretical focus to constitute the understanding and interpretation of self-regulation Aznar (2000), journalistic quality in digital media Casasús (2001), and compliance with deontological principles. Finally, the research provides a vision of the future of ethics in the face of artificial intelligence as a trait that should define the new journalism in a society that is potentially more open to the dissemination and reception of messages through the postulate of Kaplan (2016), considering that journalism, like history, is a method of ethical control of current events.


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How to Cite

Zarta Rojas, F. A., & Jojoa Ramírez, C. E. (2023). The ethical role of journalism in the digital era. Revista Prefacio, 7(11), 35–43.