Literary dialogues, rewrites or recycling. A tour of some recycled works of Little Red Riding Hood from the first half of the 20th century


  • Marcelo Bianchi Bustos Instituto Superior del Profesorado de Educación Inicial Sara C. de Eccleston. Academia Argentina de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Universidad del Norte santo Tomas de Aquino



Little Red Riding Hood, Folklore, Children's Literature


Little Red Riding Hood isone of the great classics of Children's Literature that has been and remains through out time. At present there are many writers whooffer their own versions of this tale of folkloric origin as if it were a new literary procedure, but never the less he himself was the great protagonist of a large number of versión sorre writes in the firsth alf of the 20th century, both in Argentina and in other Latin American countries, as well as Spain and     England. In this article you can read some references about some versions of the story.


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How to Cite

Bianchi Bustos, M. (2023). Literary dialogues, rewrites or recycling. A tour of some recycled works of Little Red Riding Hood from the first half of the 20th century. Revista Prefacio, 7(11), 56–64.