The challenges of the reference service in a specialized library:

the case of the Eduardo Savino Library of the National Atomic Energy Center Constituent Headquarters - Bs. As., Argentina


  • Bárbara Vanesa Vélez Instituto Superior de Formación Técnica Nº182 – Buenos. Aires, Argentina. Carrera: Bibliotecología.



Reference service, Specialized library, Grey literatura, User, Open Access, Eduardo Savino Library


Specialized libraries have a particular mission, vision and challenges compared to other information units. In the present research work we propose to contrast the reality of the Eduardo Savino Library and Information Center that operates within the National Center of Atomic Energy Constituent Headquarters of Buenos Aires with the theoretical postulates using as a key the reference service that is currently provided in that institution.


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How to Cite

Vélez, B. V. (2023). The challenges of the reference service in a specialized library:: the case of the Eduardo Savino Library of the National Atomic Energy Center Constituent Headquarters - Bs. As., Argentina. Revista Prefacio, 7(11), 25–34.