The contribution of the Provincial Historical Archive from Chaco in the Trial for the Truth about the Napalpí Massacre


  • María Gabriela Barrios Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Cátedra Información y Sociedad
  • César Obes Archivo Histórico Provincial Monseñor José Alumni. Instituto de Cultura del Chaco



Archives, Documentary management, Historical review, Indigenous claims, Human rights, Trials for the Truth


This article aims to register the work process of a provincial Historical Archive, regarding the stages of management and organization of documents contributed to the Trial for the Truth of the Napalpí Massacre. We are interested in analyzing their role as responsible for the management, custody, conservation and treatment of the funds belonging to the documentary historical heritage. In Chaco, the revision of what happened in the Napalpí Reduction during 1924, emerges as a demand during the beginning of the second millennium. Several indigenous referents lead this demand, which was consolidated in January 2008 with the request for forgiveness from the provincial Executive for those events. The Federal Prosecutor's Office, faced the conformation of the Trial for the Truth that began to gather evidence in 2014. It is there that the Historical Archive provides the first selection of documentation available in its collections. The same will increase during the following years, allowing it to provide new documents during the hearings in 2022. Both authors had direct responsibility in this context, so they propose to systematize the experience.


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How to Cite

Barrios, M. G., & Obes, C. . (2023). The contribution of the Provincial Historical Archive from Chaco in the Trial for the Truth about the Napalpí Massacre. Revista Prefacio, 7(10), 74–87.




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