Latent semantic analysis using three documents by Pierre Bourdieu
Latent semantic analysis, Bourdieu, Pierre 1930-2002Abstract
Objective: It applies latent semantic analysis to three published by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and translated into Spanish.
Methods: It uses latent semantic analysis to apply this technique, the R programming language was used in the RStudio integrated development environment (EDI), in which the pdftools, tm, lsa and LSAfun package was used.
Results: The term-document matrix is composed of 2,646, the Tk matrix is composed of 3,138 words in total for the three documents. The word “fields” has a semantic relationship between document two and document three. The word “capital” has a semantic relationship between document one and document two, while no semantic relationship is evident between the three documents and the word “scientific”, the word “cultural” and the word taste. The third matrix Sk shows that there is a semantic relationship between document two (The three states of cultural capital) and document three (On symbolic power). This analysis does not show a relationship with document one (Criteria and social bases of taste). The similarity of the words “power”, “social” and “cultural” contained in the three documents that were used in this analysis, cosine similarity was applied to them.
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