Approaches to information systems from intersubjectivity


  • Hugo Alberto Guadarrama Sánchez Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información. UNAM



Social construction, Abstract language, Informed citizen, Accessibility


The objective of the research is to identify the relationship between information systems and intersubjectivity from the phenomenological position of Alfred Schütz. Through a reflexive method, based on the theoretical assumptions of information systems similar to Schütz's perspective, having as a reference for interpretation the accessibility of information services. The results of the research indicate that information systems have the capacity to adapt to the requirements of the environment, in addition to favoring the support of the arguments that give pause to intersubjectivity, at least in the academic and research field.


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How to Cite

Approaches to information systems from intersubjectivity. (2024). Revista Prefacio, 8(13), 26-38.