Analyzing the data collection instrument for a PhDdissertation on archival issues
school archives and their diffusion as a focus
Interview guide, Methods, School archives, Archival diffusionAbstract
This paper is dedicated to exposing and investigating the preparation of the interview guide, as a data collection instrument, aimed at the application in PhDdissertation. This research work is located in the topic "The understanding of the processes of archival diffusion in the historical school archives from the Institutes of Higher Education from the city of Resistencia (Chaco)" and it is considered that the interview is the initiating instrument of the process of gathering relevant information on the focus of the research, the archives of three publicly managed Institutes of Higher Education from the city of Resistencia (Chaco). As for its methods, it focuses on the process of conception of the interview guide, the application of its pilot test and the changes already made to it, demonstrating the process of arrangement of the related topics, its organization and reordering, analyzing the suggestions to the instrument. As final considerations, it is identified that the sample body of the framework research is the one that defines each segment of the interview guide and the thematic approached is what marks the path of each question.
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