Mirroring realities. Social Networks in the co-construction of a Digital Museography


  • Rocío Paz Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata




Digital impact, Museum public, Museum space, Digital visibility, Social networks


Through this essay it is intended to analyze the usability of museum profiles in Social Networks, for the construction of the museum experience: which begins through the virtual space and could be consolidated with the face-to-face visit. It seeks to establish the relevance of the visitor, with their gaze completing the proposed museographic structure.

To make this conception of dual action (museum-visitor) effective, a virtual closeness is created through the construction of institutional user profiles. In this writing, the use of Instagram will be put into focus, as one of the networks with a large volume of participation by museums and with a consolidated user community.

The museum hall is the space for the material concretion of the exhibition narrative. So what happens when the room is closed or when the visitor is in a distant time-geographical point? How could the democratization of access to culture be fostered? What role do Social Networks play in making museum objects visible?

It is not possible to think of museums from an integral perspective, without considering their public: who are, one could say - their reason for being. The sine qua non condition of its operation is the possibility of establishing a dialogical encounter between the visitor and the exhibitions. Co-constructing the museum implies deconstructing space-time and allowing the visitor to contribute their own knowledge, as a foundation stone, using the tools that technological advances provide.


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How to Cite

Mirroring realities. Social Networks in the co-construction of a Digital Museography. (2022). Revista Prefacio, 6(9), 153-172. https://doi.org/10.58312/2591.3905.v6.n9.39278