Inca ushnus. Analysis of published literature
Perú, Ushnus, Peruvian archaeology, Statistical analysisAbstract
The literature published on the Inca ushnus from 1966 to December 2020 is studied. 210 documents produced by 147 different authors were identified. The preferred type of document for communicating research results are journal articles, followed by presentations at national and international congresses and book chapters. To communicate these three types of documents, the Spanish and English languages were preferably used. 14 are the most productive authors who represent 9.5% of the studied population and are responsible for 55.8% of the documents published on this matter. Most of these documents were produced by Peruvian researchers linked to public educational organizations. Another part are American researchers also linked to American universities. A network of co-authors was found composed of 101 authors linked by 163 ties. Its density is equal to 0.032, indicating that it is a low-density network and has 25 subgroups of different co-authors. The co-word network is made up of 152 keywords linked by 327 links. Its density is equal to 0.029 indicating that it is a low-density network and has 14 subgroups where the largest subgroup is a giant component of 100 keywords members.
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