About the Journal

Writing (and also publishing) has ceased to be the reckless gesture that Plato stigmatized. Perhaps not so much for an ideological triumph, but for the conquest of a better relationship with that which is so feared. The truth and the "lie", the valuable and the unimportant, are also put into play and recognized in public spaces of production and circulation. Perhaps then, the task -that of making a magazine, for example- need not assume any other character than that of an extension, with other means, of what we already do: dialoguing, reading, rehearsing, polemicizing, commenting... Nombres does not want to present itself by making positions explicit. On the other hand, I would like that only about their positions it does not make much sense to talk, because precisely in them (and in their differences) it will make sense to exercise some friction, to articulate words. That is why everything we have wanted to do coincides with what we have managed to do, and will coincide in the future with what we have already done. To make a philosophy review, circumstances are always adverse. That is why ours will be nourished by the same as philosophical curiosity: by daring, fear, trial, error. It is always possible to arrange the materials in a different way, or to try a different relationship with the texts, the languages, the problems. Perhaps a journal will allow this possibility to be put into practice.


Current Issue

No. 31 (2018): Topías
					View No. 31 (2018): Topías
Published: 2018-11-01
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