Obtención de compuesto de Ti – HA por sinterizado a baja temperatura.
Biomaterials, composites, hydroxyapatite, sintering, titaniumAbstract
Abstract—From the engineering point of view, one of the factors that determine the success of a metallic prosthesis in the process of
osteointegration is related to the implant material. In this sense, the study of the response of the organism to a strange body is somehow
a description of the immunologic response of the organism to implanted materials. Since the forties, studies that describe the biological
phenomena that take place when a strange body is introduce into the organism have been carried on. Among the several materials studied,
titanium is the bio-inert material that does not develop inflammatory processes that does not generates rejection from the body. But, due to
its resistance to corrosion it does not promotes osteointegration processes since there is no bond between the titanium and the bone-tissue.
This work presents the results obtained in the development of a laboratory method to manufacture a titanium-based biomaterial that contains
hydroxyapatite as a bioactive agent using powder metallurgical technique.
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