Coloring the territory: reflections on sociocommunity practice and the experience on the move


  • Maria Paz Hermosilla Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Zoe Yael Jusid Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


dialogue of knowledge, socio-community practice,, extension- infancy/child- hood, rights


University extension as a way to bring students closer to the field of practice, where doing
university is colored in new colors in relation to being a student and projecting oneself as a
future professional. To give meaning to our actions, we believe it is relevant to highlight the
importance of being active subjects who are in constant movement. “Neither wait nor stay.
Arriving and leaving by surprise. On the move, be attentive (...) travel is part of the way of
life. “ (Kohan, 2015). Undertake the journey that invites you to experience the extension by
entering into dialogue with the territory, leaving the four walls of a classroom to continue
doing university, being attentive to what we carry in our backpack as university students and

to the meanings around inhabiting the common. It is crucial to move through this acade-
mic proposal from a committed ethical-political position, in which “doing school” implies

actively putting the body in the encounter with others, with whom we have the opportunity
to access diverse knowledge, experiences that are given to us. through inhabiting the same
space and strengthen the collective construction of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Hermosilla, M. P., & Jusid, Z. Y. (2024). Coloring the territory: reflections on sociocommunity practice and the experience on the move. E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 11(17). Retrieved from