Encuentro y diálogo intercultural en una universidad del noreste argentino


  • Arón Milkar Bañay Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina
  • Martín González Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina. Miembro del pueblo mbya guaraní


encounter, interculturality, higher education, indigenous peoples, afro-descendant peoples


The “Intercultural Meeting and Dialogue” consisted of a space for reflection and debate organized by Mbya Guaraní students from the Bachelor of Social Work of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University of Misiones (UNaM). Within the framework of the Extension Program “Extension as a tool for Inclusion and Articulation of the Public University with the Region”, the meeting was open and free of charge to all the public. Took place in the Multiple Use Room of the “Juan Figueredo Building”, On October 3, 2019. The proposal of the meeting consisted in the projection of short films from the audiovisual archive of the Initiative for the Eradication of Racism in Higher Education, a line of work of the UNESCO Chair “Higher Education and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Latin America” (National University of Tres de Febrero - UNTREF); and the audiovisual production of the mbya film collective “Ara Pyau” who presented the short film “Somos de la Tierra”. These projections were intended as motivators for subsequent dialogue and reflection on their message, as well as exchanges with members of indigenous and Afro-descendant communities about the difficulties they are experiencing in the province of Misiones (Argentina), and in perspective, other members of these communities in the country, on its insertion and passage through the formal educational system of the dominant society.


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How to Cite

Bañay, A. M. ., & González, M. . (2020). Encuentro y diálogo intercultural en una universidad del noreste argentino. E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 7(10). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/EEH/article/view/30686