Extension, health and disability. Contributions for its approach in critical extension with a decolonial perspective.


  • María Analía Valera Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
  • Andrea Cotar Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina


Critical extension, social model of health, decoloniality, disability.


The present work aims to contribute to the approach to disability in the field of health from

the critical extension, from a counter-hegemonic perspective, assuming health in its social

dimension and understanding it as a construction and a field in dispute. We are talking about a

dispute, as the tension between various social practices that seek the expansion of rights and

the reduction of inequalities in the face of the omnipotence of the market and the

medicalization of life is put into play, translated into a dynamic where the political interacts,

the economic, the social and also the academic. In this sense, Basile (2018) defines the health-

disease process as a historically constructed and determined object in each society, and

attributes the concept of disease itself as also dependent on the sociocultural construction.

This article has been prepared with the contributions of Latin American models that mark a

horizon in social, health and academic praxis, from a socio-critical and integral perspective in

the conception and approach of health, and where its contents, methodology and areas of

application, They can be considered convergent and complementary for a Decolonial Latin

American Agenda in the approach of Health towards Sanitary Sovereignty, and where

Extension can be framed and nurtured as a political process (Cano, 2014), and not only as a

substantive function. The proposed perspective will address disability as “something that is

built daily in the social relationships between people, in the decisions we make, in the

attitudes we assume, in the way we think, construct and structure the physical, social, and

cultural environment. and ideological in which we develop (Joly, 2007: 1) ”and will be

presented from the analysis of an experience in critical extension carried out in 2018/19

between two schools and an institute dedicated to addressing ASD, in Mendoza.


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How to Cite

Extension, health and disability. Contributions for its approach in critical extension with a decolonial perspective. (2021). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 8(12). https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/EEH/article/view/35323