Pangui ñi Pünon. Las huellas del puma


  • Virginia Lincan Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidad, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Culturas Aborígenes (ICA). Argentina


Pangui ñi Pünon. The footprints of the puma, is a collective project that was born in the puel willi mapu, that is to say in the south east of mapuche lands, a space recognized today as Patagonia chubutense. One of its authors is Mauro Millán, a well-known militant Mapuche, lonko-head of the Pillan Mawiza community. The other author is Hernán Schiaffini, anthropologist and researcher of the CONICET, who has been living in Esquel for a long time and is dedicated to researching issues related to the rural Patagonian world. For different reasons their lives crossed, becoming a close link that forges in part this work. In it, they weave stories, narratives, adventures, other knowledge, human and non-human characters, questions and answers that they collectively try to transmit. Specifically, its authors want to express that the puma stepped on the Patagonian soil and left a mark on the earth. But also, that someone is tracking it, looking for it.


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How to Cite

Pangui ñi Pünon. Las huellas del puma. (2020). E+E: Estudios De Extensión En Humanidades, 7(10).