The inventive ear.

Formal procedures of equity between image and sound to create framing on a film.


  • Renzo Blanc Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


cinema, sound, listening, film making


Due to the the overestimation of image in relation to sound in a large part of contemporary film production, we set out to make a fictional feature film with the aim of exploring the discursive and expressive value of sound. We also wanted to break down the hierarchy that makes sound a subordinate component of the narrative. To this end, we worked on the cinematographic framing in articulation with the off-air space through the use of the soundtrack. In this article, we will describe some aesthetic decisions that we made in order to reach our goal: the search for equity between image and sound.


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Author Biography

Renzo Blanc, Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Renzo Blanc nació en la provincia de Entre Ríos. Egresó de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba como Técnico Productor en Medios Audiovisuales y como Licenciado en Cine y TV. Se desempeñó como director, guionista y editor en múltiples proyectos audiovisuales. Escribió y dirigió Los pasos, su opera prima, con la que participó del 32 Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata, MAFIZ Festival de Málaga y LABEX Argentina 2018, como obra en proceso.


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How to Cite

Blanc, R. . (2020). The inventive ear. : Formal procedures of equity between image and sound to create framing on a film. Sendas, 3(1), 122–135. Retrieved from