The actress as a bridge between the past and the present

poeticizing one's own life experience




Fiction, biography, reality


The actress starts from her own subjectivity to create and the condition of artist is intimately linked to the exteriorization of that personal universe (thoughts, ideas, sensations, emotions, etc.). Even if the actress/artist explicitly proposed not to return to her personal universe, it would always appear in some kind of implicit expression, i.e. the first impulse that will later give rise to the staging. We are talking about the pure and exclusive work of the actress, since for the accomplishment of this investigation all the members of the team were women. In this exploration, we worked with dynamics of acting training based on the conscious recovery of memories and life experiences of the actresses and the director, becoming the raw material to produce the work. In terms of Sergio Blanco "we all have something important to tell, we only have to make it poetic so that it is attractive", resulting in "a cocktail between reality and fiction".  We investigate the possibilities of transformation, poetization and metaphorization of a real-life experience. There are many denominations that account for ways of producing theatre based on biography: biodrama and autofiction are some of those that are currently booming. But there is little theoretical production that accounts for the strategies of acting training and the construction of dramaturgy in these theatrical lines. The Argentine researcher Pamela Browel, who studies the theatre of Vivi Tellas, precursor of the work on biodrama, coining the term herself, approaches this objective. Director Lola Arias is also coming. On the other hand, Sergio Blanco, Uruguayan playwright, takes up again the work on biography, but heading towards autofiction, which was the main axis of this production. PAGANAS is the name of the play, which was the result of two years of research.


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How to Cite

Barrionuevo , A., & Villarreal, R. (2019). The actress as a bridge between the past and the present: poeticizing one’s own life experience. Sendas, 2(1), 101–109. Retrieved from