Approaches to photographic indiciality




Photography, representation, Index


The following article is an adaptation of my Final Paper for the Licentiate in Engraving by the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Córdoba, which was presented in March 2016. My work was done in two separate fields, one of them focused in experimental research, from which emerged pieces made with different techniques and formats (mainly photography and drawing) and another theoretical, both revolving around the problem of representation. In the process of the thesis, the search in one of these poles had repercussions in the other, which generated in the beginning a plethora of essays in different techniques, finally opting for photography. My interest in photography produced an exploration of how these images represent, how they are formed, how they relate to their objects of representation. At first my work was focused on the iconic facet of the photographic image, centering on the subject of indiciality at a later stage. The result of this exploration was a series of exercises in which I tried to tension the photographic image.


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ADORNO, Theodor W.; Teoría Estética. Madrid, 2004. Ed. Akal

ADORNO, Theodor y HORKHEIMER, Max; Dialéctica de la ilustración. Fragmentos filosóficos. Madrid, 1998. Ed. Trotta

BÜRGER, Peter; Teoría de la vanguardia. Barcelona, 1974. Ediciones Península

ECO, Umberto; La estructura ausente. Barcelona, 1972. Ed. Lumen

ECO, Umberto; Los límites de la interpretación. Madrid, 1992. Ed. Lumen

ECO, Umberto; Tratado de semiótica general. Barcelona, 1995. Ed. Lumen

FOSTER, Hal; El retorno de lo real. La vanguardia a finales de siglo. Madrid, 2001. Ed. Akal

GROUPE ɥ. Tratado del signo visual. Madrid, 1993. Ed. Cátedra

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How to Cite

Baulina, D. (2019). Approaches to photographic indiciality. Sendas, 2(1), 59–74. Retrieved from