Editorial Team

Director and editor

Dr. Fwala-lo Marin (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities "María Saleme de Burnichón" of the National University of Córdoba / Faculty of Art and Design of the Provincial University of Córdoba)

Associate Editor

Valentín Mansilla (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Instituto de Humanidades / Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

Editorial committee

Talma Salem de Oliveira (Secretary of Science and Technology / Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba / Faculty of Art and Design, Provincial University of Córdoba).

Dr. Paula Ma. La Rocca (Institute of Humanities, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina - CONICET).

Luciano Pascual (Instituto de Humanidades, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina - CONICET / Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik).

Ayelén Ferrini (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Academic Committee

Dr. Ximena Triquell (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Dr. Marcelo Nusenovich (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Myriam Kitroser (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Dr. Daniela Martín (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Dr. Alejandro Reyna (Higher Institute of Music, National University of Litoral).


The referees are from the National University of Córdoba, the National University of Litoral, the National University of La Plata, the Provincial University of Córdoba, the National University of Cuyo, the National University of the Arts and the Catholic University of Salta.

Technical editorial production team

Dr. María Lucía Tamagnini - Editorial secretary, manager and technical editor OJS (Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

Corr.ª / Prof. Valentina Goldaij - Proofreading (Editorial de la Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

Dg. Tec. Marina Fernández - Design and layout (Editorial de la Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

DI. Florencia del Río - Design and layout (Faculty of Arts Publishing House, National University of Córdoba).