Unexplored territory. Footprint and possible reconfigurations of sensitive spaces
Luminous footprint, Experimental procedure, Sensitivity, LightAbstract
This article addresses my graduation project, which consisted of the development of a proposal suitable for the recording, preservation, and reproduction of traces of sunlight. To achieve this, photographs of the lights and shadows cast by trees are used as a starting point. Through this material, transparencies and opacities of the captured forms are restored using an alternative method, enabling the creation of new visual representations related to the impression of luminous imprints on the paper support.
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Referencias de proyectos y producciones artísticas
Milomes, M. (2019). Tapar el sol con la mano. Disponible en: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/87994
Carroll, E. (2010-2015). Línea azul de madera. Disponible en: http://www.ericwilliamcarroll.com/#/blow/
Luberriaga, M. (2021). Territorio de luz. Cianotipia sobre papel.
Luberriaga, M. (2022). Territorio inexplorado. Registros del procedimiento en video-minuto: Impresión con vaselina. Disponible en: https://youtube.com/shorts/RD1iglRkYkc.
Luberriaga, M. (2022). Registro de video (0:29 min). Disponible en: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S4PjdcCXOrua5L8eF-pbhoUZnkxLTzlJ/view
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