Associations between screen exposure and children self-regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis Screen exposure and children self-regulation

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Florencia Lee
Lucas Gago Galvagno
María del Pilar Castillo
Martina Boscolo
Ángel M. Elgier
Susana C. Azzollini


A systematic review and a meta-analysis were carried out to evaluate the type of methodological design of the existing research and to analyze the relationship between screen use and children self-regulation through a statistical analysis of r coefficients. Studies published between 2011 and 2021 that delve into the contribution of technological devices to the self-regulation of typically developing infants were considered. Twenty different associations were found in studies conducted with a total of 13408 children (0-12-year-old). Results showed that most of the studies were of parental reports, and the longer the time of screen exposure, the lower the scores on the self-regulation behavioral and psychometric tests (screen time, n = 20; r = −0.18, 95% CI, −0.26 to −0.09), with high levels of interstudy heterogeneity. These findings show that it is necessary to include research from other countries and further analyze possible moderators.

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Associations between screen exposure and children self-regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis: Screen exposure and children self-regulation. (2024). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 16(2), 1-13.


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