Team's Affective Commitment as a Factor to Stimulate Innovation Capacity in Traditional Business and Social Impact Business

Contenido principal del artículo

Célia Maria Ronzani
Priscila Rezende da Costa
Luciano Ferreira da Silva


This article's main objective is to understand how the commitment of the teams influences in the innovation capacity in Traditional Business (TB) and Social Impact Businesses (SIB). A qualitative-descriptive research was conducted on the basis of a multiple-case study. Data was gathered from semi-structured interviews (14) and document surveys. Subsequently, a framework was proposed showing the connotation of R&D&I teams commitment towards mobilization of resources to boost innovation capacity, highlighting also the differences and similarities between TB and SIB. Another important contribution of this article is the evidence of affective commitment as the main stimulus aspect in the innovation capacity of the Research, Development and Innovation teams.

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Biografía del autor/a

Célia Maria Ronzani, Universidade Nove de Julho, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração, Sao Paolo, Brasil

Master in Business Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho. MBA in People Management and Teaching in Higher Education by Uninove. Psychologist, by the University Center of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas. She is currently a professor of Higher Education at the University of Nove de Julho, Directorate of Management Sciences, working in the Specific Training and Technology in HR courses. She has worked for more than 25 years in the HR area in private small, medium and large companies as Internal and External HR Consultant, in operational and management functions. As an External Consultant, she provided HR Consulting services through Sebrae, Senai and Senac, as well as many other consultancies as a partner. Experience in People Management, in subsystems: Recruitment and Selection of Personnel, Training & Development, Performance Evaluation, Quality of Life Management, Benefits, support to ISOs and other subsystems of Human Resources. Adviser of students in the Integrative Projects of Organizational Climate Diagnosis, Evaluation of Potential and competences and Intellectual Capital. Lecturer in companies, with behavioral themes, in SIPAT events, Leadership and motivation in general. Transactional Analyst, teaching courses and lectures in companies, schools and philanthropic institutions. Participation in programs of implantation of selective collection in residential buildings. ISO 9000 Quality Auditor.

Priscila Rezende da Costa, Universidade Nove de Julho, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração, Sao Paolo, Brasil

PhD in Administration from the University of São Paulo, FEA USP, 2012. Master in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo, FEA RP USP, 2007. Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, 2005. Currently Director of the Post- graduated in Business Administration from Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE. She teaches Master's and Doctoral Programs in Administration, Innovation Line, teaching the following disciplines: Frontiers of Knowledge in Research Methodology; Management and Internationalization of Innovative Entrepreneurship; Special Topics in Innovation; Dissertation Seminars; and Thesis Seminars. She is also a professor of UNINOVE's Undergraduate Program in Administration and works in the technical and academic coordination of the School of Science Program. She was the Coordinator of UNINOVE's Undergraduate Management Program, 2010-2014. She is the scientific editor of the International Journal of Innovation (IJI) and Innovation & Management Review (IMR). He is a leader of CNPq Research Group, entitled Innovation Strategy, and within the group coordinated research projects funded by CNPq: (1) Project CNPq (UNIVERSAL) [422922 / 2018-8], entitled Multi-method Investigation of the Effect of Performance Innovative in the Economic-Financial Performance of Latin American Companies: A Moderate Relation by Relational Triggers and Institutional Factors and (2) Project n ° 471875 / 2014-7, entitled Generation of Innovations for Sustainable Development: A Study with Technologically Based Companies of Emerging Economies (2015-2017). It also participates in the following research groups: Management and Models of Innovation (UNINOVE); Innovation and Sustainability (UNINOVE); Nucleus of Policy and Technological Management of USP (PGT / USP); Innovation in the Digital Age (UFABC); (INGTEC / USP), working on the FAPESP Project (2017 / 25364-6) entitled "Mapping Cooperation Networks and Technological Trends in Biotechnology Patents through the Social networks. He has experience in the Administration area and his main research topics are: company-university cooperation, dynamic capacities, relational capacity, absorptive capacity and internationalization of innovation.

Luciano Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Nove de Julho, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração, Sao Paolo, Brasil

PhD in Administration at the Pontifical Catholic University, PUC-SP, Master in Administration, Communication and Education at the University of São Marcos, Specialist in Organizational Psychology, Specialist in Human Resources Administration and graduate in Business Administration. Professor and researcher in the Postgraduate Program in Project Management (PPGP) at Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE. Experience in organizations in the activities of market evaluation, sales projection, survey of new business opportunities and training. Author of the book & quot; Legal Revolutions - Brazilian Law & Politics & quot ;, in addition to other academic papers in the area of operations, sustainability, People Management, Project Management, among others. Scientific Editor in the magazine Gestão e Projetos. Integrates the bench of evaluators of the Special Assessment of Higher Education (AEES) -SERES-MEC.

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Team’s Affective Commitment as a Factor to Stimulate Innovation Capacity in Traditional Business and Social Impact Business. (2022). Revista Argentina De Ciencias Del Comportamiento, 14(2), 108-126.


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