Use of ICTs for the managem ent of cardiovascular diseases


  • María Paz Arredondo Correa Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua
  • Valentina Díaz Quintanilla Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua
  • Yulissa Fuentes Navarrete Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua
  • Paula Troncoso Pérez Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua
  • Javiera Vergara Cortés Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua
  • Anaís Vidal Fuentes Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua



Information Technology Management, Cardiovascular Diseases, Aged, Mobile Applications, Chronic Disease, Treatment Adherence and Compliance


Are mobile applications effective in adults with cardiovascular diseases to improve their control? As is known, the older population considers the progress of society and its adaptation to the changes it involves to be a determining obstacle, which refers to the importance of seeking new tools that facilitate this adaptation, even more so when their health depends on This is when they have to face the control of chronic diseases and a lot of care. This article will answer this question through a systematic bibliographic review using search strategies in recognized databases such as Pubmed and Scielo of previous articles focused on the use of ICTs in disease control. Finally rescuing 6 articles that show positive results in improving the state of health and/or adherence to treatment of patients controlled in their studies, discussing factors that could improve their results in studies in which they were not significant, assessing limitations and recommendations for future studies, finally inviting the population to improve the study of the adult and elderly population, and to search for tools that allow them to improve their health, as well as in the case of ICTs that are a great help to improve the control of these, by verifying that they do not generate any risk for those who use them, does not interfere with traditional pharmacological therapy and only refers benefits despite the accessibility limitations that can be easily controlled.


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Author Biographies

María Paz Arredondo Correa, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Valentina Díaz Quintanilla, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Estudiante Enfermería.


Yulissa Fuentes Navarrete, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Estudiante Enfermería.


Paula Troncoso Pérez, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Estudiante Enfermería.


Javiera Vergara Cortés, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Anaís Vidal Fuentes, Universidad de O’higgins Rancagua

Estudiante Enfermería.



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How to Cite

Arredondo Correa, M. P., Díaz Quintanilla, V., Fuentes Navarrete, Y., Troncoso Pérez, P., Vergara Cortés, J., & Vidal Fuentes, A. (2023). Use of ICTs for the managem ent of cardiovascular diseases. Notas De Enfermería, 24(42), 68–76.



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